
Generate Blogger Sitemap 2024

Generate Blogger Sitemap (Blogspot) website is a good practice for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes. Here’s how you can create a sitemap for your Blogger site:

1. **Access Your Blogger Dashboard:**

Log in to your Blogger account and go to your Blogger dashboard.

2. **Go to Settings:**

Click on the “Settings” option in the left sidebar menu.

3. **Access Search Preferences:**

Within the “Settings” menu, select “Search preferences.”

4. **Enable Custom robots.txt:**

Under the “Crawlers and indexing” section, locate the “Custom robots.txt” option and click on “Edit” next to it.

5. **Add Sitemap Entries:**

In the text box that appears, you need to enter the code for your sitemap. Here’s the format:



Replace `yourblogname` with your actual Blogspot URL.

6. **Save Changes:**

After adding the sitemap entry, click on the “Save changes” button.

7. **Generate Your Sitemap:**

Your Blogger sitemap is now generated automatically. To access it, simply type your Blogspot URL followed by “/sitemap.xml” in your browser’s address bar.

8. **Submit Sitemap to Search Engines:**

Once your sitemap is generated, it’s a good idea to submit it to search engines like Google and Bing to ensure that your site’s pages are properly indexed. You can do this through the respective search engine’s webmaster tools.

That’s it! You’ve successfully generated a sitemap for your Blogger website. Remember to keep your sitemap updated whenever you add new content to your blog.

If you’re looking for more options or a more detailed sitemap for your Blogger website, you might need to use third-party tools or manually create an XML sitemap. Here’s how you can do it:

1. **Using Third-Party Tools:**

There are several online tools available that can generate a comprehensive sitemap for your Blogger website. These tools typically crawl your site and create an XML sitemap file automatically. Some popular options include:

– XML Sitemaps (

– Screaming Frog SEO Spider (

– Online Sitemap Generator (

After generating the sitemap using one of these tools, you can upload it to your Blogger site following the steps mentioned earlier.

2. **Manual Creation of XML Sitemap:**

If you prefer more control over the sitemap generation process, you can create the XML sitemap file manually. Here’s a basic example of how you can structure an XML sitemap for a Blogger website:


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<urlset xmlns=”″>













<!– Add additional <url> entries for each page or post on your blog –>


Replace `yourblogname` with your actual Blogspot URL and add additional `<url>` entries for each page or post on your blog. Ensure that you specify the correct `lastmod`, `changefreq`, and `priority` values for each URL.

Once you’ve created the XML sitemap file, you can upload it to your Blogger site using the “Custom robots.txt” option as described earlier.

These methods should help you Generate Blogger Sitemap for your website, whether you prefer using third-party tools or creating it manually.


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